COMBI: Avoidable: More than 250 TWh electricity generation and 10 bn€ investments in combustion plants.
COMBI quantifications are annual impacts in the year 2030, that result from energy efficiency actions throughout Europe leading to energy savings of about 8% relative to a reference scenario.
For analysing efficiency impacts on the energy system and energy security, the dedicated COMBI energy balance model was developed and applied. A number of relevant indicators were quantified:
- Energy intensity is reduced up to 22 kgoe/1000€ GDP
- The COMBI HHI index measuring energy security through import dependency, diversification of energy sources and geographical diversification improves by up to 5%
- Avoided generation of power from combustibles-based power plants amounts to 257 TWh in the EU and
- avoided investments to these power plants to around 10bn €.
De-rated reserve capacity rate (defined as the reserve capacity of the power sector, divided by its total installed capacity, multiplied by 100) improves in almost all EU countries.