Register now! COMBI final conference: May 17

Launch of online tool and final project conference in Brussels

On 17 May 2018 in Brussels, COMBI organizes the final project conference, where we officially launch our online tool quantifying the multiple impacts of Energy Efficiency. Registration for the event until 10th May!

Background: The EU follows the „energy efficiency first“ principle – with one key reason being that efficiency not only brings energy and greenhouse gas savings but also a range of multiple benefits or impacts. But of what size are impacts? How can they be included in cost-benefit analysis? Do they really bring added value to the policy discourse and should energy policy departments team up with others to reap those benefits?
Audience invited: The event is dedicated to policymakers and their assistants, consultants, to researchers and journalists on the field, but open to the general public. Participation is free of charge.

Programme: Keynotes will explain the current value of quantifying multiple impacts in policymaking from an international perspective (Kathleen Gaffney, IEA) and from an EU perspective (Paul Hodson, DG ENER, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit).

COMBI project researchers present approaches and findings for the quantifications of multiple impacts of energy efficiency in the EU by 2030. Most important impact quantifications have been included to an online tool that will be launched during the event and will be available immediately to participants open-access.
The conference also presents ex-post assessments and results from other European projects and models and discusses if and how multiple impacts can contribute to strengthen the case for energy efficiency in the future.

Conference program available here.


Date: 17 May 2018, 13.00-17.30 CET

Venue: First Euroflat Hotel, Boulevard Charlemagne 50, 1000 Brussels

The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event program.



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COMBI lecture at Jadavpur University

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Productivity impact from multiple impact perspective

Full economic assessment is required to understand the full potential of any energy policy. However, today these assessments often do not include important factors such as co-benefits/multiple impacts of any energy policy. The inclusion of additional impact into decision-making analysis may influence any policy maker to design a better policy portfolio. Most of the time, multiple impacts of energy efficiency policy are not incorporated into ex-ante policy analysis due to the absence of mature methodologies. Therefore, this research contributes to the methodological tool box by proposing the solutions to the key methodological challenges of aggregation of multiple impacts including the risks of double counting.

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Full economic assessment is required to understand the full potential of any energy policy. However, today these assessments often do not include important factors such as co-benefits/multiple impacts of any energy policy. The inclusion of additional impact into decision-making analysis may influence policy maker to design a better policy portfolio. Most of the time, multiple impacts of energy efficiency policy are not incorporated into ex-ante policy analysis due to the absence of mature methodologies. Therefore, this research contributes to the methodological tool box by proposing solutions to the key methodological challenges of aggregation of multiple impacts including the risks of double counting.

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