COMBI online tool

You are about to access:

  • main COMBI multiple impact quantifications
  • additional impacts resulting from additional EE improvement actions
  • in the year 2030
  • standard values are annual/annualised (can be recalculated to action-specific life-time values)
  • visualisations customisable by impacts/actions/countries
  • data export function below graph
  • available: standard/expert mode with additional features (overview on differences see below).

Results are presented in 3 steps:

  • physical values
  • monetary values (if monetized)
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis (if impacts not double-counted)




(loading data: approx. 10 sec.)

D8.1 Tool manual and guide (PDF)


Featured tool outputs (examples)

Avoided mortality by EEI action (standard mode)

Max. annual GDP increase (as % of 2015 GDP, expert mode)

Halo graph: selected monetized impacts (standard mode)

CBA by EEI action (standard mode) Marginal cost curve (excl. MI, expert mode) Marginal cost curve (incl. MI, expert mode)

Choose your preferred mode


Standard mode

open access

Expert mode

open access after submission of email address (only for project-internal monitoring)

green: additional features in expert mode

Impacts covered 8 (pre-aggregated from expert mode)

Note: some cannot be aggregated and are excluded in standard mode

32 disaggregated impacts
Physical impacts Select only 1 (pre-aggregated) impact (aggregation of different units not possible) Select only 1 (disaggregated) impact (aggregation of different units not possible)

Display effect as total or levelised by national GDP or population (2015 values)

Monetized impacts Select any number of (monetised) pre-aggregated impacts Select any number of (monetised) disaggregated impacts

Display effect as total or levelised by national GDP or population (2015 values)

Sensitivity analysis: energy prices (+/- 10% for energy cost savings)

 Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Indicators available:

  • Annualised values
  • Marginal (energy savings) cost curve

For annualised values:

  • net value bars
  • annual values of impacts/actions & net value
Indicators available:

  • Annualised values
  • Life-time present values
  • Levelised values (by kWh/GHG savings)
  • Benefit-Cost Ratio
  • Cost-Benefit Ratio
  • Marginal cost curve of energy savings and of GHG abatement

For values:

  • net value bars
  • values of impacts/actions & net value


  • by kWh energy savings
  • by Mt GHG reduction

Sensitivity analysis

  • energy prices (+/- 10% for energy cost savings)
  • set discount rate 0–10% (default: 3%)


Impact overview in expert and standard mode

More details: see D2.4 synthesis report

Impact category Impact no Multiple Impacts (expert mode) physical unit monetisation incl. in standard mode incl. in CBA
Energy 0 Energy savings TWh
Air pollution 1 NOx kt
2 PM10 kt
3 PM2.5 kt
4 SO2 kt
5 VOC kt
Ecosystem degradation 6 Acidification km2 (change in area affected by excess acidification) √ (6+7)
7 Eutrophication km2 (% change in area affected by eutrophication) √ (6+7)
Energy system/


8 Avoided electric power output & investment costs TWh
9 De-rated reserve capacity rate Share (%)
10 Energy intensity kgoe/1000€ GDP
11 Energy security index

Herfindahl-Hirschman index (including independency, political stability and diversity)

% (change in COMBI energy security index)


12 Fossil Fuel imports % (share of fossil fuel imports from outside EU28 in primary energy supply)
Labour productivity 13 Active days gained

(from indoor exposure-related diseases and time saved by avoiding traffic congestion)

mn workdays √ (13+14+15)
14 Reduced congestion

(avoided time loss in traffic)

mn workdays √ (13+14+15)
15 Workforce performance

(Commercial labour productivity due to improved indoor conditions after tertiary sector building refurbishment)

mn workdays √ (13+14+15)
Mortality 16 Excess winter mortality Nr. of deaths per year √ (16+17+18) √ (16+17+18)
17 Mortality ozone Nr. of deaths per year √ (16+17+18) √ (16+17+18)
18 Mortality PM2.5 Nr. of deaths per year √ (16+17+18) √ (16+17+18)
Climate 19 Carbon footprint Mt CO2eq
20 direct GHG emissions Mt CO2eq
Health/morbidity 21 Indoor air pollution 1000 DALYs √ (21+22+23) √ (21+22+23)
22 Winter morbidity (asthma) 1000 DALYs √ (21+22+23) √ (21+22+23)
23 YOLL PM2.5 1000 YOLL √ (21+22+23) √ (21+22+23)
Macro-economy 24 Employment (max) 1000 person-years
25 GDP (max) bn €
26 Public budget (max) bn €
Resources/ material footprint 27 Biotic materials Mt √ (27 to 31)
28 Fossil fuels Mt √ (27 to 31)
29 Metal ores Mt √ (27 to 31)
30 Minerals Mt √ (27 to 31)
31 Unused extraction Mt √ (27 to 31)